What is dental implant restoration?
Dental implant restoration is a procedure that creates an artificial tooth to
replace a missing one. It restores natural appearance and tooth function like
natural tooth.
It is treatment that implants and fixes artificial fixture made of titanium in
the root of a missing tooth, and puts a crown on the top part, so that it can
function like the original tooth.
Benefits of implant restoration
Procedures of implant restoration
1st surgery implant placement
The condition of the tooth is
identified through in-depth
medical examination, and an
implant is placed in the alveolar
The ‘synostosis’, a process of
fusion of implant and bone,
takes 2~3 months on average,
but if the bone graft procedure
is added, it takes 4~6 months.
2nd surgery
Exposing the implant
in the mouth
This is a process to exposed the
implant that is under the gum.
The doctor opens the gum
slightly and waits for the gum
to be healed by covering it.
If the bone is healthy, the first
and second surgeries are done
The state of implant synostosis is identified, and dental pros thesis and the implant are con nected with abutment.
dental prosthesis
The dental prosthesis, which fits
adjacent teeth, is covered on
the abutment.